Is the Pride lobby a grassroots movement or an controlled operation?

This post is a response to this article:

This is a “fact-check” article asserting that pedophiles, or “MAPs” – Minor Attracted Persons – are not included in, or recognised by the LGBTxyz Pride community. This invokes a question about the nature of these movements, and how organic or grassroots they really are.

The tone of the referenced article speaks volumes. They claim to speak for the whole Pride lobby community. This line in particular reveals something I think they didn’t intend:

AFP found that, while some MAPs online may have used this flag, it isn’t part of any official attempts to “normalize pedophilia” nor has it anything to do with the LGBTQ community (here).

What does AFP mean by “official” in reference to a grassroots movement?

That one word, “official”, establishes that the Pride lobby is not an organic or grassroots phenomenon, they clearly have an official status, funding, and controlling committees.

Contrast this with the red pill (RP) movement, a genuine organic grassroots movement which has grown in response to feminism, and its decades-long attacks on men. While RP has its big influencers with large audiences, it has no “official” status, and therefore no “official” means of deciding who is and isn’t red-pilled.

For example, a group of pedophiles could claim: “RP includes MAPS who prefer children because they haven’t grown up to become as toxic as adult western women.” There would be no central authority to gainsay them. Sure, Andrew Tate, Better Bachelor, Strong Successful Male, Sandman, and every other big influencer in the RP movement could decry the association, but no “official” exclusion of pedophiles from RP is possible, as on the level of this article.

This is because RP is a genuine organic social movement with no official standing and no centralised control. Nobody owns or controls the RP label. Therefore anyone is free to use it. This is true, by definition, of any genuinely organic social movement. Such movements are concerted natural human reactions to widely disliked policies or social developments.

Are claims of officiality in organic movements disinformation or social engineering?

Now examine the context of this assertion in the article. First, no sources are cited for AFP’s “findings”. It’s as if AFP regards itself as an authority in its own right, with no need to provide research, or evidence. Second, this is an authoritative statement regarding the exclusion of pedophiles from the Pride community, which precludes it being a genuine organic social movement.

Almost as if the same entity, that controls the mainstream media, also controls the pride lobby.

Ergo, one and only one of the following statements is true:

1. The Pride lobby is a centrally controlled and planned social engineering operation by powerful special interests, masquerading as an organic grassroots social movement, giving whoever controls it the power and authority to officially deny membership in it;

2. The Pride lobby is a grassroots social movement and therefore NOBODY, not even the globalists’ “official” press outlet AFP, has the authority to deny any claimant of association. Therefore their claim that pedophiles are not included in the Pride lobby is outright disinformation, since nobody controls, or can exclude anyone from, genuine organic social movements.

So which is it, AFP? Is the Pride lobby a planned social engineering operation with an official agenda, or are you asserting authority you do not have, and in so doing spreading disinformation, thus undermining what little credibility you have left?

My money’s on the first statement.

Why I Voted No To The Voice.

Now that the votes for the Voice have been counted and the result decided – a strong rejection of racial representation – for what it’s worth, these are my thoughts on the topic, and why I voted no to the Voice.

What did I vote No to? What was the Voice to me?

The reality facing Aboriginals

Now I have no animus towards Aboriginals. Yeah, we came in here and we took their land. I feel them. I am half Palestinian, I know how it feels to be dispossessed of my ancestral lands. We owe them. Big time.

An old picture of Australian Aboriginals standing outside a humpy

But what do we owe them? We already sink billions of dollars a year into Aboriginal matters. Where is all that money going? By my calculations, the cost of providing every tribal Aboriginal in this country with a free house and land package, and free food, utilities and healthcare for life, would be a fraction of this amount. Who is getting this money, while Aboriginal children continue to be neglected and abused, and tribal communities rot in penurious poverty?

Parasites of the disadvantaged

There has arisen, in this country and others, a parasite class, a stratum of people who neither produce nor contribute, but who fabricate an oppressor-victim dialectic in order to prey upon the human altruism – the Good Samaritan trait – that underpins the very social contract we live by. It is in our nature to oppose bullies and champion the underdog. It is what is good and powerful about the human race.

But it is fatally vulnerable to exploitation by the greedy and unscrupulous, by the very bullies we would normally oppose. These activists who seek control over others, the better to secure their own wealth and power, have exploited our altruism to do so, using Aboriginals as pity pawns in their game of poor-me. In so doing, they have robbed tribal Aboriginals of the last vestige of their human dignity, and ruthlessly exploited them as puppets to milk our sympathy for their own gain.

These activists, and the ivory-tower academics and inner-city elites who pull their strings, represent a significant threat to the very foundations of our civilisation. Our society stands or falls on our willingess to help each other in need. If this trait is parasitised to destruction, our whole society falls apart. We grow cynical of people in genuine need, and unwilling to help them because we can no longer distinguish the real sufferers from the victimhood parasites.

Where the Aboriginal aid money is really going

This victim industry is not limited to Aboriginals or the Voice. It is spread across all sectors of society. Feminists make victims of women, gay-pride lobbyists make victims of homosexuals, race baiters make victims of Indians, Africans and Middle-Easterners. It is a cult of hate, rooted in a pity-sucking mentality of perpetual victimhood. This industry is known to most people under the moniker “woke”, or “wokeness”.

And this is where all the money is going. Academics have created a whole branch of victimhood “Studies” in our centres of learning, all of which are focused on parasitising the social contract for pity and power. Someone has to find work for all these basket-weaving graduates of Gender Studies, Queer Studies, Race Studies and all-round Victim Studies courses. All these graduates are now in sinecure positions within the bureaucracy, contributing nothing of value, but endlessly finding ways to exploit sympathy for Aboriginals, women, homosexuals and other groups they can use as pity pawns. That is where these billions of dollars are going.

The costs of social parasitism

We can see how destructive allowing this rampant social parasitism to persist can be, in the response to the MeToo and BelieveWomen movements. So many women have brazenly lied about being assaulted in seeking revenge against ex-lovers and parasitising their victimhood, that now nobody believes a real assault victim if she does come forward.

Women who genuinely need aid and comfort are now blocked from it by the parasitism of those falsely claiming to represent them. Furthermore, women in the workplace are now losing career opportunities because more men are avoiding them out of fear of losing their jobs from a false accusation. This is what this insidious parasitism leads to.

Answers and conclusion

So, in my view, the Voice would have been for Aboriginals what MeToo has been for women, and that is absolutely the last thing I would want for these people.

Before we can do anything to help Aboriginals, we need to:

  1. Strip out the activist parasites from our bureaucracy and put them to field work out in the communities they claim to want to help.
  2. End all affirmative-action programs based on race, sex or sexuality, and replace them with programs focused only on genuine disadvantage and need regardless of race, sex or psychosocial identity.
  3. Declare the act of parasitising public goodwill for political gain to be a threat to the foundation of society and therefore a crime against humanity; with all offenders prosecuted accordingly.

Once these things are done, and we can be sure that what we newcomers to Australia have to offer Aboriginals, in return for our use of their land, is getting to the ones who need it the most, then we can talk about truth-telling.

I did not vote No to Aboriginals. I voted No to the insidious social parasitism that is destroying our society from within, in its ruthless quest for power.

Toxic Femininity: A Philosopher’s Handbook

This is a copy of a post from the forums of Better Bachelor, I am not the author of this material, but I’m reposting it here because it describes some home truths about the modern western woman, which every man needs to be aware of before he lets his dick make decisions.

Women have always been book-burners because they have always sought to destroy all revelatory knowledge on the true nature of women. Historically speaking, this is most obvious when it comes to classic Russian and German literature.

Nietzsche and Tolstoy

Nietzsche did not hold women in high regard when it came to morality and truthfulness. And for this, much of his work was appropriated and reframed by Ayn Rand. Leo Tolstoy is often censored because of the occasionally insufferable light with which he wrote of women – i.e. don’t ever get married to one. I can’t blame him, he was practically murdered by his wife who, in her delusional paranoia, drove him to flee his estate. And Schopenhauer was one of the greats as well. He had no delusions that women were anything other than the primary vessels for deception in all aspects of life.

“From the beginning, nothing has been more alien, repugnant, and hostile to woman than truth – her great art is the lie, her highest concern is mere appearance and beauty.” – Nietzsche

“That remarkable piece of stupidity which is called the rights of women. … Woman will never demand the right to share the toil of men in the mines and in the fields. She could only demand to share in the fictitious labors of the men of the wealthy classes.” – Tolstoy

“Never, never marry, my friend. Here’s my advice to you: don’t marry until you can tell yourself that you’ve done all you could, and until you’ve stopped loving the woman you’ve chosen, until you see her clearly, otherwise you’ll be cruelly and irremediably mistaken. Marry when you’re old and good for nothing… Otherwise, all that’s good and lofty in you will be lost.” – Tolstoy


“The fundamental defect of the female character is a lack of a sense of justice. This originates first and foremost in their want of rationality and capacity for reflection but it is strengthened by the fact that they rely not on force but on cunning: hence their instinctive subtlety and their ineradicable tendency to tell lies. Dissimulation is thus inborn in her. To make use of it at every opportunity is as natural to her as it is for an animal to employ its means of defense whenever it is attacked, and when she does so she feels that she is only exercising her rights. A completely truthful woman who does not practice dissimulation is perhaps an impossibility. This fundamental defect gives rise to falsity, unfaithfulness, treachery, ingratitude, etc. Women are guilty of perjury far more often than men. It is questionable whether they ought to be allowed to take an oath at all.” – Schopenhauer

If Masculinity Is Aggression, Femininity Is Deception

You’d think women would want to present some of these writings as a token of their supposed historical oppression, but they don’t. Aside from the fact that women aim to maximize the effectiveness of feminine coercion by keeping it invisible, they also censor these writings because they reveal the gynocentric character of most traditional norms regarding relationships. A man who knows this could never go back to the “good ole days” because it’s hard to see that as anything other than peaceful slavery. Women want to maintain their backup plans by keeping men desirous of what is actually a gynocentric past.

The Precariat And The Last Exit Before Violence

This is a transcript of a series of posts made on 4chan. I am not the original author of this material. However I believe it makes some extremely important points about our near future and it needed to be recorded for posterity – Mystikan

The Precariat and the Last Exit Before Fascism

What causes revolutions? When does the violence start? To find the answer, study this group: Dissatisfied, angry young men. 100% of every revolution in human history was started by this cohort, and if you want to know how likely you are to have a revolution, ignore everything else and study the angry young men in your society. Why are they angry? How many of them are there? Do they communicate regularly? Do they have weapons? Are there political movements that address their grievances and defuse their anger, or are they mocked and shamed? Do they have a stake in society, and do they have incentives to maintain stability and keep things as they are?

These are the questions you have to ask to know if landlords are about to get dragged out of their houses and shot. These are the questions you have to ask if you want to know if celebrities, academics, journalists, and politicians are about to be beaten, raped, stripped naked, and paraded through the streets. These are the questions you have to ask if you want to know when Jews are going to be genocided next. It’s happened hundreds of times, dozens in the 20th century alone, and it’s about to happen again, here in the USA. We are coming up on the final chance for a political solution to the USA’s problems before we enter a full-blown, violent revolution. We have had multiple missed exits to political solutions to violence, which I will describe below.

Missed Exit 1: the 99% and Occupy Wall Street

The first missed exit was in 2008-10, in the form of Occupy Wall Street. Young millennials protested the banking system and their exclusion from the normal avenues of building wealth and buying property. The OWS protesters didn’t want handouts. They weren’t calling for UBI or more welfare. They didn’t want Latin American gibsmedat Venezosocialism. They simply wanted wages commensurate to the value of their labor, and a chance to buy and own a share of America: A slice of American land and a stake in American businesses.

Millennials were the first American generation in living memory to have no hope whatsoever to own land and build wealth, and they knew it, and they protested. They wanted dignity. Instead, the banks got bailed out, and one of the largest wealth transfers from the middle class to the hyper-wealthy took place. OWS was not identitarian; it cut across lines of race, gender, etc., and it dissolved along these lines, as identity politics emerged to dismantle the movement. Progressive stacks, social justice, restorative justice, and white guilt were introduced: the 99% died immediately after, and actual class politics have never come back to mainstream discourse.

Missed Exit 2: #MeToo

The next large left-wing movement was #MeToo, borne from GamerGate. Angry, dissatisfied young men of the millennial and zoomer generation, sick of being perpetually demonized as the villains of identity politics in their heretofore male spheres of gaming, as well as mainstream culture and (for zoomers) in classrooms and colleges started voicing their anger. #MeToo was the elite response, a broadside of thinly veiled managerial supremacism under the guise of feminism. #MeToo was exclusively bourgeois, exclusively moneyed, and incredibly politically influential. From 2015-2018, #MeToo accelerated the reconfiguration of American politics, journalism, media, culture, and the overton window of mainstream discourse.

Identity politics was no longer just an obscure instrument to destroy class solidarity in OWS: It was now the official civil religion of the USA, a replacement for Christianity. No aspect of #MeToo addressed any kind of material inequality, wealth inequality, property ownership, land ownership, or other traditional popular concerns. Around this time, the word ‘populist’ became a pejorative: a perfect summation of the total capture of leftwing politics by wealthy, whitecollar, sanctimonious, and overwhelmingly female managers.

MeToo was exclusively concerned with superstructural minutiae, tone-policing, editorial decisions of fantasy novels, micro-aggressions, and policing the grey zones of human sexuality. Perhaps because of its astonishing vacuity and pettiness, it didn’t last long. Leftwing politics soon pivoted to #BLM. Proof that #MeToo is entirely dead can be found everywhere: The ‘Karen’ meme is clearly a sexist disparagement of women, and is totally acceptable dinnertable conversation. Bill Cosby raped some 50 women, confessed, and walked a free man: There were no protests, and there was no vociferous objection. The feminists were silent, partly because they had nothing to say about the material world. Biden probably sexually harassed a woman or two: nobody cared. #MeToo was more successful in reducing the breast size of Japanese videogame characters than it was in creating any tangible improvement to the lives of Americans, male or female. And now, #MeToo, like OWS before it, is dead.

Missed Exit 3: #BLM

BLM is the largest social movement in postwar American history and THE largest charity drive in American history – although nobody is quite sure where the billions of dollars of donations have gone, and interracial trust is at a historic low since the Civil Rights era. If #MeToo approximated a civil religion, BLM codified its doctrines in Critical Race Theory, complete with foreign missions (European football players kneeling to the new American God), prophets (Robin DiAngelo, Ibram Kendi, etc.), martyr saints (George Floyd, whose image is painted on the walls of every American city), castes (blacks at the top, whites and Asians at the bottom), and a motivated political party (the Biden administration).

BLM’s sister doctrine, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is a tithe that every organization, public and private, pays to the new religion. As with #MeToo before it, BLM is only nominally leftist, and as with #MeToo, it’s overwhelmingly bourgeois, openly disdainful of the productive classes such as manual laborers, farmers, etc., who it openly mocks and despises. Cultural workers, teachers, and government or corporate bureaucrats are the heroes of BLM: farmers, oil field workers, and bricklayers are its deadly enemies.

BLM has no plan whatsoever for fixing the wealth gap, land ownership, or public stakes in businesses: it’s primarily concerned with openly anti-empirical police and educational policies, which dramatically fail every time they’re implemented. Conveniently, BLM is also strictly opposed to objective measurement and accountability, a sensible orientation that may allow it to endure for a year or two more than it would otherwise. Critical Race Theory is fundamentally a faith-based doctrine: facts don’t matter, only spiritual virtue, admissions of guilt, and celebrations of the Word. Unsurprisingly, the old Atheist intelligentsia that castrated Christianity for young millennials -Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, et al – absolutely loathe CRT. Presumably once people start realizing that defunding the police massively increases rape and murder rates and that abolishing standardized testing doesn’t improve black literacy, there will be a backlash.

From the public perspective, the best aspect of BLM is a typical Latin-American style socialism based on demanding a vastly expanded government bureaucracy to give welfare and handouts to an elect class of professional victims. Even in this regard, it appears to have partially failed: Blacks are no better off than before #BLM, likely due to the extremely corrupt grifters in charge of the treasury of the organization. BLM has, however, successfully increased the proportion of white-collar managers and nonproductive workers in every institution, and in this regard is a resounding triumph for the managerial elite. Back in 2000, boomers used to joke: “You’ll never get a job with your degree in comparative African lesbian basket weaving. The average DEI officer earns $122,000, around four times more than what an average blue-collar, productive worker earns. Is the joke funny now? Are you laughing?

Sex and stable societies

Stable societies have to find a way to pacify young men, for the abovementioned reason that young men are THE only known cause of violent revolutions. If you piss off enough young men, your civilization doesn’t survive. Throughout history, countries have found different ways of doing this: empires typically send their young men off to conquer foreign land – this is what the British did, and what the Japanese did after the Rice Riots of the early 20th century. Send the angry young guys to kill foreigners and take some land for themselves. Modern, non-colonial nation states don’t usually have this option. They have to calm the guys down another way.

One traditional way is marriage. Get the guys married, ideally in a 1:1 ratio, and things calm down a lot. Polygamy typically creates unstable societies: look at the constant strife in the middle east as an example. If 3 guys out of 4 can’t get a wife, expect constant violence, suicide bombings, etc. Similarly, noncommittal relationships tend to be associated with very high rates of violence. Look at the West African matriarchal societies, where men don’t stay with their pregnant partners, and instead form a rotating circus of bandits, rapists, and murderers. These societies never invented the wheel, the plough, the sail, or a written script, and today enjoy the highest rape and murder rates on the planet. This is almost certainly because of the constant havoc caused by angry, unanchored, deracinated, alienated men, none of whom had fathers. Tragically, this pattern that has been nearly-identically reproduced in black communities in Baltimore, East St. Louis, Detroit, etc.; communities that BLM is conspicuously silent about, because BLM is a managerial project for increasing the number of white-collar administrators in public and private institutions, NOT a project to improve the lives of black people.

Increasingly, young men in the USA don’t marry, don’t have sex, and don’t have girlfriends. Over 40% of zoomer males have never had sexual intercourse. The median age of the cohort is 21. This is historically unprecedented. Women have a calming and pacifying effect on males, even on the biological level; cohabiting with a partner lowers your testosterone and drastically decreases your violent crime rate. But young men in the USA aren’t doing that. Settling down with a woman requires resources. It requires a stake in society. It requires a slice of American land. For millennials and zoomers, this is close to impossible. The chance that you marry increases massively if you own property. The chance that you have children increases massively too. The inability of young men to buy property is directly causing their failure to have long-term partners and children.

Guys who 40 years ago would have been doing DIY, building a front porch, volunteering at the local church, and helping raise their kids, are today spending their nights ranting about the Jews on 4Chan. If you are concerned about the possibility of a violent revolution, this development should alarm you. OWS touched on this issue, but the two major “leftist” political movements, #MeToo and #BLM, have not even obliquely addressed this problem. In the case of #MeToo, male success and wellbeing is probably directly antithetical to the movement’s stated objectives (inasmuch as they ever relate to material reality, which is rare).

Pacifying Young Men

The USA has developed a new solution to pacifying young men that does not depend on marriage, children, love, community, business ownership, or ownership of a little plot of land to call their own. The new solution is drugs, pornography, videogames, junk food, and social media. So far, it appears to have worked to sedate the young men. Even the angriest young men are so physically unfit from their sedentary lifestyles and corn-syrup diets that the chances of them forming a cohort of red guards and door-to-door murdering landlords is vanishingly slim. They’re much more likely to smoke a blunt, eat some froot loops, and watch Rick and Morty.

But how long can this passivity last? Are we kicking the can down the road, or have we finally found a way to permanently stop violent revolutions? Is this what Francis Fukuyama called the ‘end of history’? Will Zoomer males, totally iced out of land ownership and business ownership be content with subscription-service everything, spending their lives as perpetual, sexless tenants, receiving government UBI stipends which get funneled instantly into the pockets of a hedge fund megalandlord and online pornography purveyors? Is Ready Player One the perfect image of the immediate future? Are corn syrup, Nintendo, porn, and weed the ultimate technology in preventing Mao Zedong or Adolf Hitler from rising again? It’s very hard to tell, not least because exactly 0 good-faith sociologists are examining what is going on in all-male spaces and male culture. We simply have no idea how close we are to a Bolshevik revolution. It might happen tomorrow.

Land Ownership and Violence

If you had an average salary in 2020, and saved every single spare penny you had, by the end of the year you were further from purchasing the average residential home than you were at the start of the year. You played by the rules, you scrimped and saved, and you were FURTHER from the American dream. This is obscene. This should be the top, and possibly the only, news story in our country. It is the largest problem we face as a civilization. Failure to solve this problem WILL lead to mass-murder, rape, and the total destruction of our civilization. Instead, the news gives us stories about how it’s racist that Naomi Osaka (net worth: $60,000,000) is forced to give interviews, and candid discussions about how much racism is faced by the British Royal family (net worth: $???bn) and Oprah (net worth: $2.7 bn).

Here’s an excerpt from an online forum popular with zoomer males: “I’m going to own a house by the time I’m 40. If I can’t afford it, I’ll fucking take it. I’ll shoot someone and take their fucking house. I’m an American, and I’m going to own a piece of America. My ancestors killed and took land. If I can’t buy it legally, I’ll do the fucking same. Fuck Black Rock Capital. Fuck the government. Fuck my faggot kike landlord and his bitch of a wife. I’m not a rentcuck.”

How many young men feel the same way? Do they speak to each other? How many more politically peaceful chances do we have to avoid them enacting this fantasy? Do wealthy Americans of the managerial class understand that there are increasingly angry, deracinated, alienated young men with absolutely no incentive to maintain society as it is? The CIA, FBI, and NSA have identified angry young men as the #1 terrorist threat to the USA. You should listen. Unfortunately, the proposed solutions are, inevitably, of the managerial type: we need more censors, more anti-bias training, more government spying, more anti-racist educators, more control over publishing, more scrutiny of social media, more shaming of young men, more language policing. None of these solutions make even passing reference to why males are angry. Who cares? Will these solutions work?

Demography of Violence

You may think that I’m exclusively talking about the bete noire of American politics, the dreaded White Male. Soon, that won’t be true. Over 50% of under-18’s in the USA are Hispanic. As of 2021, the median age of Hispanics is 11. In less than a decade, a colossal cohort of young, low-net-worth, low-education young males are going to begin adulthood. Their parents usually married and settled down. The younger generation of Hispanics do not. They don’t marry, they don’t have kids, they don’t own businesses, and they don’t own property. Will they be satisfied with a future of perpetual tenancy to non-Hispanic landlords, compounded by their humiliating cultural inferiority to the non-Hispanic white population? Will they peacefully lay down and accept their fate?

The best outcome is a descent into constant low-level violence, as we see in Columbia, Mexico, etc. The more likely outcome is an actual revolution as young men from this cohort decide to take what they want. If working doesn’t get you anywhere, what kind of an imbecile works? Americans tend to think of everything in racial terms, but I’m suspicious. I imagine that the first step towards violence will involve rural whites, urban blacks, and 2nd generation Hispanics setting aside their differences and torching country clubs. Little wonder that identity politics is so enthusiastically endorsed by politicians and elites! They’re absolutely right: At this point in history, actual cross-racial solidarity will almost certainly lead to a violent revolution. If white young men and black young men realize that their enemies are landlords, hedge fund managers, and the politicians who protect them – well, if that happens, I hope you’ve stocked up on ammunition, and that you don’t have too many frail dependants.

Conclusion and recommendations

I encourage you to take a glance at the Chinese anti-rightist campaign, the Chinese Land Reform movement, or Soviet dekulakization. Check out Pol Pot’s Year Zero. When young men get angry, get together, and put on armbands, truly remarkable changes start to happen to society. If #MeToo is a concern, please understand that mass-rape is a mandatory component of revolutions, with no exceptions. If #BLM is your concern, please understand that racial genocides are a component of revolutions, with few exceptions.

I would encourage the intellectual and managerial elite to trying to find innovative ways to be remunerated for non-productive labor, stop focusing on virtue and culture, and instead start worrying about material reality. Worry about property ownership, about who owns this country, and about what is going to happen if we don’t spread the wealth a little more equitably. UBI and fractional increases of the peanut wages won’t do the trick. I’m talking about land ownership. You should also worry about what exactly zoomer males are thinking and feeling.

I’m not a cynic or an empty critic. I have suggestions. If violence is to be averted, I believe that politicians must address the following:

  • Facilitate residential property ownership by US citizens. Every American should be able to own a piece of America.
  • Inhibit mega-landlords and absentee landlords. They are the direct, proximate cause of nearly every revolution in human history.
  • Inhibit hedge funds and banks from speculating in residential property.
  • Inhibit foreigners from purchasing US land; ideally forbid it entirely.
  • Engage in good-faith conversations about immigration that are not centered on racism. Increasing the supply of labor decreases wages. Increasing the supply of tenants increases rents and house prices. Foreigners are less likely to unionize. These are cogent, left-wing concerns, and smearing all discussion about immigration as racist is not productive. Discourage identity politics. Poor blacks and poor whites have more in common than poor whites have with rich whites. Ditto women and men. Class politics has to be endorsed again.
  • Avoid welfare-bureaucracy-handout/ UBI style socialism. This is the Latin American model, and it’s historically disastrous. Cuba, Venezuela, Columbia, etc. have experimented with it, and it always fails. Left wing politics should focus on the wealth gap and ownership. The general public should own their own home, have a stake in their business, and have a stake in their community. A nation of government-dependent tenants WILL be violently unstable. History proves this. Stop shaming the poor (“hillbillies’. ‘hicks’, ‘rednecks’. ‘flyover country’. etc.). The left wing MUST stand up for the poor. The elite, hypereducated capture of the left is utterly, disastrously toxic. It prevents us from solving the problems that threaten social stability.
  • Encourage real-life social institutions. The abandonment and disenfranchisement from society is disastrous. Humans of all genders need social community in the physical realm.

Respecting young men may be difficult, but at least fear them. Understand that they do, to a real extent, hold a gun to the head of your civilization. It is young men who decide if we have a Great Leap Forward or a Dekulakization or a Kristallnacht. Ideally, encourage young men to have a settled stake in society by offering them prestige and respect for doing the right thing. At the very least, appreciate the fact that every civilization is in a hostage situation, and it is ultimately the young men who decide we have mass-rapes and genocide or if we have white-picket fences and golden retrievers. You may not like it, you may hate it, but you must understand it.

When Does Democracy Become An Invasion?

Gather round, dear liberals and progressives, and hear my sorry tale. A tale of joy turned to sadness, of love turned to hate, of peace turned to terror.

Life is good here. Our progressive government, the People’s Democratic Diversity Party, democratically and fairly voted into power by a safe majority, has created a truly diverse, equitable and inclusive paradise. Bright, cheerful rainbow flags fly from every flagpole; the same colourful rainbows make every crosswalk an adventure. In the courthouse square, a beautiful First Nations totem rises into the sunlight, symbolising the ancient heritage of the Traditional Owners and their anguish and suffering at the hands of the white colonialist invaders.

In the civic parks, happy interracial and polyamorous families picnic on the lush grass, while beautiful nonbinary and trans children frolic in the playgrounds. Nary a cis white man is to be seen, except here and there the good kind, with their man-buns and square glasses and neatly groomed beards, who recognise and acknowledge their undeserved privilege, and respectfully make room for the women and people of colour to enjoy their own cultural spaces. Scantily clad big beautiful women pole-dance beneath the rainbow flags, or twerk happily on the sidewalks, while respectful and admiring onlookers cheer them on, celebrating their beauty and sexual freedom.

Diversity, equity and inclusion reign supreme; there is little crime, for instead of a police force, highly skilled social workers speak to the haters, the bigots and the criminals, adroitly convincing them of the error of their ways with gentle voice and steady hand, so that at the last, in sobbing, contrite penitence they promise never to hate or hurt again. Yes, our state and our capital is a joyful, happy, inclusive place; our governor’s in xer seat, and all’s right with the world.

But what’s this? Who are those folks over there, with their noisy motorbikes and their shaved heads and scruffy beards and death-head tattoos? Surely they’re just passing through? Slowly, you wander closer and listen to their talk. And their talk is so laden with hate and bigotry that you can scarcely understand what they’re saying. But in amongst the foul language and the vicious and hateful racial and misogynist slurs, oh, horror of horrors! they’re actually moving here!

Politely, you approach them and respectfully explain that they will need to respect the customs of the state if they want to live here. But they rudely tell you to fuck off, cuckroach, and when you call the social workers to deal with them, they tell them to fuck off too.

Sadly, you withdraw to commiserate with your non-binary friends in your safe space to share your pain and heal. But there are only a few of them, and surely they can do no harm.

Yet as the months go by, more and more of these sorts of people are moving into town. Brutish, tattooed white men wearing skulls and swastikas, riding noisy and polluting motorbikes; flannel-clad white truckers roll through, belching filthy black diesel smoke into the air; simpering, submissive and slender women, oozing internalised misogyny from every pore, hanging pathetically on their husky arms. A bunch of them actually bought the old gay nightclub downtown and turned it into a Christian Church, cross, cis white male pastor, and all!

No, no, no, you cry, this can’t be allowed to happen. We have to stop them! We have to preserve our diverse and inclusive lifestyle! Frantically, your representatives start passing laws prohibiting these vile people from congregating in the parks; but these supremacists have money, they have lawyers, they challenge every law in the courts and tie up all progress with endless court cases and red tape. It’s unconstitutional to exclude them, the judges say, they have rights too! And worse, they are bringing in millions of white immigrants from deepest Europe and Russia, who have no idea about diversity and inclusion and equity, who love Vladimir Putin and Geert Wilders and Nigel Farage, and they’re taking over the parks and houses!

Even worse, an election is looming. And the preliminary polls show that the formerly minority White American Supremacy Party is gaining ground, doubtless driven by all those hateful, filthy bigots moving into our lovely city from the coasts. Still, there is hope. We just need the PDDP to win the election, and we will have plenty of time to fight the court cases and get these insane judgments overturned.

The campaign posters got up on every lamppost; alongside the familiar Black and Female and Nonbinary faces of our beloved representatives, there are the ugly wrinkled faces of bespectacled ageing white men, rotten to the core with wealth and power. You gather your friends to tear them down, but the next day they are up again.

Election day comes. The votes are cast; the ballots counted; the results tallied. And the worst has happened; the WASP has won, and not by a whisker, but by a decisive landslide. No, no, no, we cry, this cannot be true, how can this happen in our beautiful diverse city? Where did all these hate-filled Nazis come from? Why are they here? Why can’t they just leave us alone? We demand a recount, we take the ballot counters to court, we try everything to convince the judges that our fair and free election was stolen. But there can be no mistake; the votes are recounted, and the results confirm; the WASP is the new government, voted in 60-40.

Our wonderful city has changed. Where once bright rainbow banners fluttered, swastikas now fly. The rainbow crosswalks are gone, painted plain white to make them easier to see at night, the new governor claims. The beautiful First Nations totem in the courthouse square, showcasing our colourful history, is torn down and desecrated; in its place a grim, terrifying black iron Sonnenrad wheel now commands the square. Our libraries, once full of lovely story books teaching our children about acceptance and gender diversity and white privilege, are gutted and replaced with racist, sexist old works by horrible colonialist white authors like Machiavelli and Grahame and Hardy and Tolkien.

Our nights, once peacefully touched with Native chants, are now torn by screams and gunshots, while red fires cast flames of hate into the dark, smoky sky; the smell of ash and diesel fumes hangs foully on the air, and businesses owned by women and trans people and people of colour, are torched and looted and destroyed by screaming hate-driven rioters. Our hope is gone, and hate has prevailed. Where now can we go? What can we do? How can we save our sacred way of life?

But there can be no dispute; this happened fairly, and democratically. The people have voted; the people have spoken, and terrible White supremacy has taken over. You cannot contest it; the Constitution guarantees one person one vote, and they voted for the WASP. Democracy has prevailed, and the white supremacists and Nazis have won in a fair and free election.

Is that democracy, or is it an invasion? Where does one begin, and the other end? How can we protect ourselves from such horror?

And now, dear liberals and progressives, you understand exactly how conservatives feel about you moving into red states and cities and destroying our history and culture, and tearing down our statues, and filling our libraries with pornographic garbage, and why we contest your elections, and why we don’t want you moving into our spaces and taking them over.

When does democracy become an invasion?

The Omega Variant

On National News tonight: NATO confirms tactical nuclear strike by Russia on Odessa destroyed a bioweapons lab, which Moscow claims was the reason for the strike. So far there has been no evidence that any pathogens escaped the fireball, and experts believe the extreme heat and radioactivity of the blast will have prevented the release of pathogens…

Oh well, guess it’s on now. At least being in Australia we’re not likely to see a lot of nuclear action here.

Yeah, but watch the whole Northern Hemisphere descend on us, mate!

Nah, the nuclear war will be over before anyone even gets on a boat. They’re all gonna die.

Ehhh, we’ll see mate.

On National News tonight: President Harris today signed a historic peace agreement with Russia, successfully forestalling all out nuclear war. President Harris said that this was the closest the world has ever been to total destruction. The peace accord has come at the right time, in the face of the deadly new Covid variant, which scientists have named Omega, that has already claimed the lives of nearly four million people across the Balkan states…

Holy crap mate, have you seen that new ‘rona that’s killing everyone in Hungary and Bulgaria lately? They reckon you don’t know you’ve got it for a couple of weeks then you just drop dead. God, I hope our government has the brains to close the borders. Like total lockdown. Nobody in or out.

Yeah, but you know what our government’s like mate. It’s going to end up here sooner or later. You going to get the jab when it comes out. They gotta have a jab going for this one soon.

Nope, I trust my own immune system bro. I’ve never had the ‘rona yet and you been jabbed and you got it and it put you on your arse for a couple of weeks. So… who’s winning now, man?

On National News tonight: The French government today confirmed five cases of the new deadly new Omega variant.. The race is on to develop a vaccine before Omega reaches Asia and America, where it would undoubtedly wreak havoc. We welcome Dr. Brian Theumer tonight to explain what his team are currently working on. Good evening Dr. Theumer.

Yes, thank you Wendy, glad to be on the show.

Dr Theumer, what are the risks associated with the Omega strain?

Well, Wendy, this is undoubtedly the most virulent strain we have seen yet. We’ve observed it has an incubation period of about two weeks before symptoms show; and this is when it is at its most contagious. However, once symptoms do show, acute pneumonia sets in with a 99.86 percent mortality rate in the unvaccinated, decreasing to 13.6 percent in those who have had all six previous mRNA vaccinations.

That’s horrific. how far are you from a vaccine, Doctor?

We are already testing a new spike protein that is showing promise of reducing symptoms to easily survivable levels. However we’ve found it only has a 5 percent success rate in rats that are unvaccinated, but in rats that are fully vaccinated, the survival rate goes over 98 percent. The survival rates diminish the fewer doses you’ve received, so for example those who have only had the two initial mRNA vaccines have a 36% survival rate, with the rates increasing with the number of doses…

I’m sorry sir, we can’t give you the Omega vaccine unless you have had the previous intervals. How many doses have you had?

I had the initial jab and four booster shots every three months.

Okay, then we have to give you the sixth booster now, and you’ll need to come back in 3 months to receive your Omega dose. Thank you, just head down that aisle, number one please. Next please. Hi… John, how many vaccinations have you had, please?

None. I never got jabbed.

Well, I’m sorry sir, you need to go and get your initial dose. You then need to wait for three months before you get the next one, and there will be further waiting periods before you are able to benefit from subsequent vaccinations. Meanwhile, I strongly suggest you isolate and minimise social contact until you are ready for the Omega vaccine. Thank you. Down that aisle there please, nurse will fix you up.

Hold on – can’t you just give me the Omega vaccine anyway?

I’m afraid not, sir. If we gave it to you, it would only give you an additional 5 percent chance of survival, Since we only have limited doses available, we have to provide them to the people who it will give the best chance of survival to.

Phew…. okay, guess I’ll have to start at the beginning then. Wow, that’s going to take like a year and a half!

Yes sir, aisle 3 please. Next please.

On National News tonight: The first cases of Omega have emerged in Australia after sweeping through Europe, then America and Asia. We mark a historic and terrible milestone today; a billion fatalities from the deadly Omega variant. The worst death toll of any disaster in human history. Police are calling for calm and for people to remain in their homes under isolation for their own safety. The Emergency Powers Act has been reinstated and…

Mate, don’t you see what they’ve done? They’re out in the open about it – this whole Covid thing was a biological weapon engineered by a consortium including Russia, China, India, the USA and the UK. They’re all in on it mate. This Omega variant has killed everyone who refused the jab – five billion bloody people! That leaves only the obedient sheep who got their shots. That was the goddamned plan all along, to wipe out anyone who tended to resist authority. Now the elites will have a nice little pool of obedient slaves and nobody who will stand up to them.

Nah, that’s why I did get my shots. See, I figured that was in the cards, that they’d pull something like this. My tinfoil hat’s bigger than yours mate! So I survive and I don’t get infected with Omega, but I can still live to fight for our freedoms. As my granddad used to say, He who fights and runs away will live to fight another day, but he who’s in the battle slain will never live to fight again.

I hope you’re right mate. I hope you’re right.

On National News tonight: The first spike-protein execution took place today in Texas, as convicted white supremacist and terrorist Damian Heller was euthanised by exposure to a microwave signal coded to his personal mRNA spike proteins. Once activated, the spike proteins combined to shut down his organs in less than sixty seconds. Governor Des Pott said today that this humane method of execution did not have the risks associated with outdated methods of euthanasia, that could subject the patient to a painful and horrific passing. This method of individually targetable euthanasia will guarantee…

So that’s our choice mate. Live as a slave at the mercy of the state or die. I’m going to die of Omega soon. I tested positive yesterday, and they reckon I’ve only got about a 15 percent chance of survival. But you ain’t going to fight for anyone’s freedoms mate. You know what? I’m the lucky one. I’ll die, but you’ll live the rest of your life knowing the cops can kill you with a mobile phone signal if you get too out of line. I’d watch what I say and do if I were you. And remember, you’re white. One wrong step and you’re toast just like that Damien bloke. Zap. Dead. At least it’s not painful apparently, you just pass out and that’s it. So yeah, looks like the elites have got their planet full of obedient slaves after all.

Well bro, I guess we’re both dead then. Been a good life I guess.

Yeah bro, it has.

Facebook Bans Australian News Sharing

This business of Facebook banning Australian news has some interesting implications and raises some important questions.

Regardless of whether you think the Australian government is doing the right thing by requiring Facebook to pay for content taken from news sites, a far more important issue needs to be discussed.

The Argument Against Corporate Coercion

On the one hand, you have a situation where a private entity has the reach and power to threaten a democratically elected government. Not only did Facebook cut off Australian news media, they also cut off government advisory sites and weather information.

In essence, Facebook threw all their toys out of the pram because the government of this country refused to bow to their demands.

This is a matter of grave concern for governments around the world, that their nations can be punished on such a scale by a privately owned entity they have no control over.

The Argument Against Government Coercion

But, on the other side of the coin, how did Facebook gain this level of power in the first place? Facebook was in essence democratically elected, by people around the world, as their medium of choice for communicating with others.

How exactly does this process differ from a government election? Nobody ever held a gun to anyone’s head and said “You MUST use Facebook.” Everone freely chose to use that platform. And everyone all freely choose to continue to use it in SPITE of the many other options available – MeWe, Parler, Gab, Minds, Rumble, Bitchute to name just a few.

In fact, it could be argued that the election of Facebook was more democratic than the election of our government. We had a huge number of choices for social media before Facebook came on the scene.

In our government elections we only have two parties to choose, both equally corrupt and both equally wilfully ignorant of the vox populi. Yet voting for any other party is pointless because Australian elections are rigged by the two-party-preferred system, which prevents any third party from forming government even if they did win majority vote!

Democracy And Herd Mentality

With social media, we had a free choice long before Facebook existed. Remember AOL, GeoCities, Orkut, Friendster, LiveJournal and MySpace? These were all social media sites. At various times they all dominated the social media marketplace. Any one of them had the potential to dominate the market to the level Facebook has, but they didn’t.

So what made YOU vote for Facebook as the social media master? Was it the ease of use? Peer pressure? Advertising? Games?

If you don’t like the way Facebook behaves, you are free at any time to close your account and/or use another social media site. But you won’t do that because all your friends are there. Nevertheless, that’s a democratic decision. It’s no different to voting Liberal or Labor because all your friends vote Liberal or Labor.

Yet, at the same time, is it right to allow Big Tech to exploit herd mentality to cement this power over people and nations? Guess what – governments have been doing this since the time of Sargon of Akkad and probably long before that. Whether it’s Facebook or Google, Liberal or Labor, makes no difference in the outcome.

What Do We Do Now?

Which brings me to my point: Herd mentality is humanity’s greatest weakness. It allows unscrupulous individuals to take advantage of and control our lives for their own aggrandisement, and do so under the guise of democracy and free choice. It is something something we need to confront in ourselves, as individuals and as nations, if we are ever to free ourselves from the grip of narcissists and megalomaniacs and to reach for the stars.

What Worked Against The USSR Will Not Work Against China

This situation highlights a larger issue concerning the conflict with China

This is a very interesting strategic perspective on the South China Sea situation. Although the article focuses mainly on this particular theatre, it does touch on the major strategic mistake the West made in dealing with China.

That is, to bespeak Orwell, that Oceania (the Western/English nations) tried to do to Eastasia (China) what it did to Eurasia (the USSR) back in the 90s – but this time the convert-them-to-capitalism gambit failed.
When we pulled this gambit on the USSR, the whole of Eastern Europe and Central Asia broke away and become independent states, all of which are now fiercely protective of their identity and freedom. The Russian economy collapsed, crime gangs took over the country, and the West won the Cold War hands down.

So we tried the trick again with China – and badly misjudged our enemy.

What we birthed with our technology and prosperity instead of a failed state, was a new version of the Roman Empire; an economy built on slave labour. An economy to which we gave all our jobs and money, undermining the independence and self-respect of our own people, and giving immense power to a regime that kills people with the same insouciance with which we kill flies.

We have to accept that if we want this to stop, we have to give up our dependence on Chinese consumer goods. They’ve got us hooked on the treasures they provide, and we lap it up like smack addicts.

When I was a kid, a new TV or stereo or computer was a major household investment, expected to last for years. We’ve been walked into a throwaway culture where you now buy TVs the way we used to buy books. Everything has become cheap, common and disposable – and China now stands to conquer the world because of it.

We would have to return to the condition of a new TV or computer costing you 5-10 grand, but you’d get it knowing it will last for at least 15-20 years. If it breaks down you call a repairman to fix it, you don’t throw it out and buy a new one.

You cannot have infinite growth in a finite economy, and so a status quo has to be achieved whereby a living wage can be paid to those who produce our goods, while we can still, albeit at a slower rate, consume those goods, with the labour difference made up of those who repair and maintain them.

This is the only way we will defeat China. This time, it is on all of us to fight. Demand your goods be made anywhere other than China – even if it costs more to buy local. Demand quality that lasts, like we used to have.

And local businesses – you too can do your part to fight. Make sure the quality of your products outshines the throwaway plastic crap from China. Make me want to save up and spend 5 grand on a new TV.

Australian government claims that the lockdown can be lifted earlier if more people download the Covidsafe app

So, Mr. Morrison, you say we can get back to normal quicker if everyone downloads your app? The pubs and restaurants can open sooner once we all have it on our phones?

I want you all to stop and think about this for a minute. There are two facts to consider.

1. This massive shutdown is for everyone’s safety. This is what we are insistently told. Self-isolating and social distancing save lives, we are told, because they help prevent the spread of this life-threatening virus.

2. The Covidsafe app does nothing to physically prevent the spread of the virus and does not materially reduce the chances of anyone contracting the virus from public contact. The app is purely a data-gathering mechanism.

Therefore, there exist only two possible reasons for being able to lift the shutdown earlier but only if people download this app.

1. The danger is real and lifting the shutdown earlier will cause a resurgence in infections, which means the government is using the population as medical guinea pigs to a deadly virus in order to measure its spread; or

2. There is no real danger and lifting the shutdown early without it being a problem, shows that the entire thing is nothing more than an egregious stripping of all human rights and liberties in the name of enforcing compliance with arbitrary government edicts.

Are we guinea pigs or slaves? Which one is it, Mr. Morrison?