Is the Pride lobby a grassroots movement or an controlled operation?

This post is a response to this article: This is a “fact-check” article asserting that pedophiles, or “MAPs” – Minor Attracted Persons – are not included in, or recognised by the LGBTxyz Pride community. This invokes a question about the nature of these movements, and how organic or grassroots they really are. The tone of …

The Precariat And The Last Exit Before Violence

This is a transcript of a series of posts made on 4chan. I am not the original author of this material. However I believe it makes some extremely important points about our near future and it needed to be recorded for posterity – Mystikan The Precariat and the Last Exit Before Fascism What causes revolutions? …

When Does Democracy Become An Invasion?

Gather round, dear liberals and progressives, and hear my sorry tale. A tale of joy turned to sadness, of love turned to hate, of peace turned to terror. Life is good here. Our progressive government, the People’s Democratic Diversity Party, democratically and fairly voted into power by a safe majority, has created a truly diverse, …

The Omega Variant

This is a work of fiction. I make no representation that the events described herein are actually happening or will happen. This is merely a story that explores a dystopian future made possible by present circumstances. On National News tonight: NATO confirms tactical nuclear strike by Russia on Odessa destroyed a bioweapons lab, which Moscow …

Facebook Bans Australian News Sharing

This business of Facebook banning Australian news has some interesting implications and raises some important questions. Regardless of whether you think the Australian government is doing the right thing by requiring Facebook to pay for content taken from news sites, a far more important issue needs to be discussed. The Argument Against Corporate Coercion On …

What Worked Against The USSR Will Not Work Against China

This is a very interesting strategic perspective on the South China Sea situation. Although the article focuses mainly on this particular theatre, it does touch on the major strategic mistake the West made in dealing with China. That is, to bespeak Orwell, that Oceania (the Western/English nations) tried to do to Eastasia (China) what it …

Australian government claims that the lockdown can be lifted earlier if more people download the Covidsafe app

So, Mr. Morrison, you say we can get back to normal quicker if everyone downloads your app? The pubs and restaurants can open sooner once we all have it on our phones? I want you all to stop and think about this for a minute. There are two facts to consider. 1. This massive shutdown …